Michael Richter – Contact Page

E-Mail: michael.richter@zuehlke.com

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My passion is User Centered Design in software and product development for more than 25 years. After starting my usability and UX career in one of the first usability labs in Switzerland in 1992, I had the chance to build my background as a consultant, project manager and in management positions for several companies.

As an active board member of UX associations I advocate topics around Usability, UX and Design in Switzerland.

As a regular lecturer at technical universities and design schools, I keep on getting constant input and new ideas.

I am a passionate author of the books „Usability und UX kompakt“ resp.“Usability Engineering kompakt“ (2007/2010/2013/2016, Springer) and „User-Centred Engineering“ (Springer, 2014).

I help customers with the development of their organisations and strategy in the newest topics around UX innovation, user centered software and product development and digital transformation.


Master of Science in applied psychology and computer science, University of Zürich


since 2015 lecturer at the technical University Nordwestschweiz in the CAS Usability and UX.

since 2014 Zühlke Engineering AG, Schlieren, member of the management team customer solutions.

2011-2019 Zühlke Engineering AG, Schlieren, Head of Zühlke Academy and member of the management.

2006 – 2019 lecturer at the technical University Rapperswil in the Master of Advanced Studies in Human Computer Interaction Design.

2005 – 2010 Zühlke Engineering AG, Schlieren, Usability and Requirements Engineering consultant.

2003-2005 Swisscom Mobile AG, Bern, Customer Experience Manager.

1997-2003 UBS AG, Zürich, Head of Usability Engineering: Usability Consulting, Management of the UBS Usability Lab and responsibility for the company-wide application styleguide.

1992 Credit Suisse, Zürich, Usability Lab: Internship.


Board member UX Schweiz

International Requirements Engineering Board

UXQB National Expert (Switzerland)

SAQ informatics special interest group UX


Usability und UX kompakt
Produkte für Menschen
Richter, M. & Flückiger, M. (2016). Vierte Auflage.
Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg.
Link to Springer page

User-Centred EngineeringUser-Centred Engineering
Creating Products for Humans
Richter, M. & Flückiger, M. (2014). English.
Heidelberg: Springer.
Link to Springer page

Usability Engineering kompakt 3. AuflageUsability Engineering kompakt
Benutzbare Produkte gezielt entwickeln
Richter, M. & Flückiger, M. (2013). Erweiterte dritte Auflage.
Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg.
Link to Springer page

Gezielt einfach
«Dossier Innovationsmanagement»
Richter, M. (2013). Swiss Engineering Magazin. SWISS ENGINEERING, Mai
2013, S.53
Link to page | Download Article (344 KB)

Richter, M. (2012). Wirtschaftsmagazin No 22 «Komplexitätsmanagement»
Link to page | Download Article (200 KB)

Usability Engineering kompakt 2. AuflageUsability Engineering kompakt
Benutzbare Software gezielt entwickeln
Richter, M. & Flückiger, M. (2010). Erweiterte zweite Auflage.
Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (Springer).

Wie abstrakt dürfen Anforderungen sein?

Richter, M. (2009). Computerworld.
Link to page | Download Article (167 KB)

«100 Seiten Spezifikation – und was ist die Konsequenz für uns?»
Anforderungen vorstellbar machen.
Richter, M. (2008).
OBJEKTspektrum, Online-Ausgabe 2008, Requirements Engineering.
Link to page | Download Article (1.2 MB)

Usability Engineering kompaktUsability Engineering kompakt
Benutzbare Software gezielt entwickeln
Richter, M. & Flückiger, M. (2007). Erste Auflage.
Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (Elsevier).

Wie viel Produktefunktionalität braucht der Benutzer?

Richter, M. (2004).
Swiss ICT & asut bulletin 1/2004. St. Gallen: Zollikofer Verlag.
Download Article (304 KB)

The good old Styleguide in a new light: enabling a user-oriented development process
Richter, M. & Heberle, S. (2003).
In Interact 2003. Proceedings of the Ninth IFIP TC13 International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.

Download (48 KB)

Online Befragung als neues Instrument zur Beurteilung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Software
Richter, M. (1999).
In U.-D. Reips, B. Batinic, W. Bandilla, M. Bosnjak, L. Gräf, K.
Moser, & A. Werner (Eds./Hrsg.), Current Internet science – trends,
techniques, results. Aktuelle Online Forschung – Trends, Techniken, Ergebnisse.

Zürich: Online Press.
Link zur Seite | Download Abstract (English) (12 KB) | Download Article (German) (56 KB)

Online Befragung als neues Instrument zur Beurteilung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit interaktiver Software am Beispiel einer Internet-Anwendung
Richter, M. (1998).
Zürich: Psychologisches Institut der Universität Zürich.
Download (848 KB)

Kriterien der Benutzerfreundlichkeit
Richter, M. (1997).
Zürich: Psychologisches Institut der Universität Zürich.
Download (204 KB)

Typen von Stolpersteinen in Usability Tests
Richter, M. (1992).
Zürich: Praktikumsbericht Schweizerische Kreditanstalt.
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